The California Victim Compensation Board

The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) is a three-member Board dedicated to assisting victims of violent crimes. Board members include the Secretary of the Government Operations Agency who serves as the Board’s chair, the State Controller and a public member appointed by the Governor. Board members set policy for the organization and make decisions on matters, including appeals for victim compensation and claims of persons erroneously convicted of felonies.
CalVCB administers the Victim Compensation Program, which provides reimbursement for crime-related expenses to victims who suffer physical injury or the threat of physical injury as a result of a violent crime. CalVCB also administers the Restitution Recovery Program, the Good Samaritan Program and the Missing Children Reward Program.
Covered expenses:
- Crime scene clean-up
- Funeral and burial expenses
- Home or vehicle modifications for victims who became disabled
- Income loss
- Medical and dental treatment
- Mental health services
- Relocation
- Residential security
- California Residents, even if the crime occurred out of state.
- Nonresidents who are victimized in California.
- Specific members of the victim’s family or persons in close relationship to the victim.
- Any individual who assumes the obligation of paying a deceased victim’s medical, burial, or crime scene clean-up expenses.
California created the nation’s first victim compensation program in 1965. The Department of Social Welfare administered the program until the Board of Control took responsibility in 1967.
In 2001, the state renamed the Board of Control the “Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board” to reflect its increasing roles and responsibilities more accurately. VCGCB oversaw the California Victim Compensation Program, the Revenue Recovery Program and the Government Claims Program.
In 2016, the Department of General Services assumed responsibility for the Government Claims Program. The state renamed VCGCB the California Victim Compensation Board.
Today the Government Operations Agency oversees CalVCB, which administers the Victim Compensation Program, the Revenue Recovery Program, Claims of Persons Erroneously Convicted Felons, the Good Samaritan Program and the Missing Children Reward Program.