All videos are self-paced, and users can stream them 24/7 on a computer or smart device.
Description: The role of Law Enforcement.
Audience: Law Enforcement
Length: 1.5 hours
Certificate of Completion: Yes
Description: CalVCB’s history, mission, available benefits and funding sources.
Audience: Victims of crime, family and friends of victims, service providers, advocates, law enforcement.
Length: 15 minutes
Certificate of Completion: No
Watch the CalVCB overview course:
Descripción: Este curso proporciona una descripción general de la historia, misión, beneficios disponibles y fuentes de financiamiento de CalVCB. Se anima a las víctimas ya sus familias a tomar el curso de visión general básico.
Audiencia: Víctimas del crimen, familiares y amigos de las víctimas, público en general, proveedores de servicios, profesionales de ayuda, defensores de la ley.
Duración: 15 minutos (autoguiado)
Certificado de Finalización: No
Vea el curso de descripción general de CalVCB:
For any questions or more information on available advocate trainings, email
Privacy Notice on Collection
These eLearning training courses were produced by CalVCB under Grant Award 2013-VF-GX-K012, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the eLearning training courses are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S Department of Justice.