Your Right to Appeal

What is an appeal?

If CalVCB staff recommends denial of your application or request for reimbursement, you have the right to appeal the recommendation. Filing an appeal means you are asking the Board to reevaluate the recommendation made on your application or request for reimbursement.

How do I appeal?

  1. Appeals must be submitted in writing and filed within 45 days from the notice to deny.
  2. You may use the appeal form sent to you or write a letter explaining why your application or expenses should be approved. You can include any new information relevant to your claim.
  3. Sign, date and return the appeal form or letter to:

California Victim Compensation Board
P.O. Box 350
Sacramento, CA 95812

What happens after I appeal?

  • The CalVCB reviews all the information.
  • If the issues on appeal are overcome, the CalVCB will resolve your appeal for your application or expenses.
  • If the issues on appeal have not been overcome, the CalVCB will send you the Hearing Officer’s recommendation and will inform you of your hearing options in writing.

Hearing Officer’s Recommendation

When you receive the Issues on Appeal and Hearing Officer’s recommendation, you have 20 days to request a hearing or 30 days to submit new information. Alternatively, you can do nothing, and the Hearing Officer’s recommendation will be adopted by the Board as a final decision.


If you choose an oral hearing, the CalVCB will send you a Notice of Hearing letter. This letter will include the time and date of, and instructions on how to appear at, your hearing.
The Notice of Hearing letter also explains how to request an interpreter and/or a reasonable accommodation.

After the hearing, the Hearing Officer will write a proposed decision and the three-person Board may adopt, change, or reject it. You will be notified of the decision by mail.

How do I prepare for the hearing?

It is important that you appear at and are prepared for the hearing (whether by phone, videoconference, or in-person). To prepare for the hearing you may want to:

  • Review the information provided in the Issues on Appeal and Hearing Officer’s recommendation letter sent to you by the CalVCB.
  • Gather any additional information for the Hearing Officer that will help support your appeal.
  • Be ready to discuss why you think the original recommendation on your application or request for reimbursement should be changed.
  • Have documents, witnesses or supporting information available during the hearing.
  • Allow at least 60 minutes of uninterrupted time.

Be sure to be available at the time of your hearing. If you are not available, we will take action on the appeal without the benefit of your testimony.

What happens at my hearing?

A Hearing Officer will conduct the hearing on behalf of the Board. The hearing is informal; however, you and your witnesses will be asked to swear or affirm that the statements given are true. The hearings are recorded in order to save your testimony as part of the record.

  • The Hearing Officer may ask you questions.
  • You will get a chance to explain why you believe your application or request for reimbursement should be approved.
  • You may present witnesses who can give information to support your application.
  • A representative may attend the hearing with you, or on your behalf.

What happens after my hearing?

After your hearing, the Hearing Officer will write a proposed decision.

The Hearing Officer’s proposed decision will be presented to the Board who may adopt the proposed decision, change it, reject it or send the matter back to the hearing officer for further review. After the Board makes a decision, a copy of the decision will be sent to you.

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my appeal?

Our goal is to provide responsive service to help you better understand the hearing process and prepare you for your hearing. Further information regarding the hearing procedures may be found on CalVCB’s website at


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