Press Release
For Immediate Release: October 10, 2016
Contact: Janice Mackey, (916) 491-3821
Sacramento, CA — The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) today announced that Executive Officer Julie Nauman will serve as the second vice president of the National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards (NACVCB).
The elected appointment was confirmed in August 2016 during NACVCB’s Annual Business Meeting and Training Conference. Previously, Nauman held the position as Secretary and served as Board member.
“I look forward to working with other leaders across the nation to ensure all state programs are utilizing best practices and exchanging knowledge to better serve victims of crime,” said CalVCB Executive Officer Julie Nauman. “California has been a national leader for over 50 years, transforming victim services in the form of increased benefits and updated governing state statues to better serve those in need.”
NACVCB’s mission is to provide leadership, professional development and collaborative opportunities to improve services for victims of crime. By working together, NACVCB envisions programs in each state that are fully funded, optimally staffed and functioning effectively to help victims cope with the costs of crime. More information about the organization can be found on the NACVCB website.
Currently, Nauman serves as Executive Officer of CalVCB — the nation’s first and largest victim compensation program. Under her leadership, CalVCB makes evidence based decisions to increase access to benefits, facilitates legislation to improve the lives of crime victims and addresses the unmet needs of victims in underserved communities. Along with this, the program has surpassed a $2.4 billion milestone in compensation payments under her guidance.
The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) provides compensation for victims of violent crime who are injured or threatened with injury. Among the crimes covered are domestic violence, child abuse, sexual and physical assault, homicide, robbery, and vehicular manslaughter. Last fiscal year, the program received nearly 50,000 applications and provided over $52 million in compensation to crime victims.
If a person meets eligibility criteria, CalVCB will compensate many types of services when the costs are not covered by other sources. Eligible expenses include medical and dental care, mental health services, income loss, funeral expenses, rehabilitation and relocation. Funding for CalVCB comes from restitution fines and orders, penalty assessments levied on persons convicted of crimes, traffic offenses and federal funds.