Amended Notice of Funds Available: California Trauma Recovery Center Grant, Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
1. Introduction
The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) provides reimbursement to eligible victims of crime for many crime-related expenses. CalVCB funding comes from restitution paid by criminal offenders through fines, orders and penalty assessments, and federal grant funds. Government Code sections 13963.1 and 13963.2 mandate that CalVCB administer a program to evaluate applications and award grants to Trauma Recovery Centers (TRC) in California to provide services to victims of crime.
This Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) was initially posted on November 30, 2020 and amended April 13, 2021. Organizations whose applications were accepted and scored in response to the November 30, 2020 NOFA are invited to amend their initial applications and respond to supplemental questions 21-23.
This notice increases the total points available from 100 points to 124.
2. Purpose of the Grant Program
The grant program awards funding for TRCs to provide trauma-informed services to victims of crime. Grantees will serve all victims of crime; whether or not they meet CalVCB’s eligibility requirements, provided the services are consistent with California Government Code sections 13963.1 and 13963.2 and this Notice of Funds Available (NOFA).
3. Key Application Dates
NOFA Release Date | Tuesday, |
Final Date to Submit Questions | |
Response to Questions Posted | |
Final Application Submission Date | |
Tentative Board Award Approval Date | Thursday, |
4. Eligibility Criteria and Minimum Qualifications
CalVCB uses the May 10, 2017, edition of the evidence-informed model of care UC San Francisco Trauma Recovery Center Manual developed by the State Pilot TRC (University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) TRC), when it selects, establishes, and administers TRC grants.
All grant applications must demonstrate utilization of the UCSF TRC model in the administration of their TRC program. Grant applications submitted in response to this NOFA must demonstrate how the applicant will meet all the statutory requirements set forth in Government Code sections 13963.1 and 13963.2, and additional criteria required by CalVCB as outlined in this NOFA as these are the minimum requirements for an application to be considered for scoring.
5. Questions
Applicants shall submit any questions regarding this NOFA via email to no later than 5:00 p.m. PT on Thursday, December 7, 202010:00 a.m. PT on Friday, April 16, 2021. Responses to all inquiries will be posted on the Grants page of the CalVCB website by 5:00 p.m. PT on Wednesday, December 10, 2020 4:00 p.m. PT on Monday, April 19, 2021.
6. Application Submission
Amended grant applications should be in the form of a Word document showing track changes to illustrate edits to initial applications with new text highlighted in yellow, Grant applications should be in the form of a single PDF file and must be submitted via email to no later than 2:00 p.m. PT on Wednesday, December 30, 2020Monday, April 26, 2021. Applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of their application. If confirmation is not received within one (1) hour of email submission during regular business hours, applicants should call Elizabeth Schmahl at 916-491-3682 or Kara Poteat at 916-491-3553. Initial applications received after 2:00 p.m. PT on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 will be were rejected.
7. Application Instructions
Formatting requirements for Program Narrative, Time Task Plan, and Budget Narrative:
- 11-point Arial font
- Double-Spaced
- One-inch margins
- Number all pages of the application packet
Utilize the 2021 CalVCB TRC Amended Grant Application Cover Sheet and Program Narrative template to complete the application.
Applicants whose initial applications were accepted and scored under the November 30, 2020 NOFA are invited to submit amended applications with revisions for consideration. Amended applications shall be submitted in the form of a Microsoft Word document showing track changes to illustrate edits with all new text highlighted in yellow.
The amended application template, available on the CalVCB website, must be completed as follows:
- Cover Sheet: Provide responses to 1 through 11 utilizing track changes to show edits on amended applications with all new text highlighted in yellow
- Program narrative: Provide written responses to 12 through 19, utilizing track changes to show edits on amended applications with all new text highlighted in yellow, which shall not exceed 15 pages in length
- Supplemental Questions: Provide written responses to 21 through 23, which shall not exceed five pages in length for a total program narrative length of 20 pages
- Attachments shall include:
- A flow chart showing the process of providing services to clients, from intake to discharge
- A detailed time task plan including dates when eligible goals, objectives, milestones, and activities relating to the implementation of the TRC will be accomplished
- The time task plan must include the timeframe in which new staff will be hired
- An Organizational Chart of all positions for the TRC including, and clearly indicating, staff from any subcontracted organization
- A completed 2021 TRC Budget Worksheet, available on CalVCB’s website. The budget shall meet the following requirements:
- Include a budgeted period of two (2) fiscal years, commencing July 1, 2021
- The Personnel component of the budget (salaries, wages, and fringe benefits) must constitute a minimum of 75 percent of the total amount of funds requested
- Staffed or contracted clinicians must account for a minimum of 60 percent of the funds allocated to the Personnel component of the budget and treating clinicians must see a minimum of 20 unduplicated clients annually per full time equivalent (FTE)
- Specify if staff members are salaried or hourly, and include the fringe benefit rate for each employee, if applicable
- Indicate FTE for part-time staff
- Include any cost-of-living wage increases as these increases may not be added or modified at a later date
- If subcontractors will be utilized, a detailed budget for each subcontractor must be included in the operating expenses section of the budget worksheet
- Operating expenses shall not exceed 25 percent of the total amount of funds requested
- If funds are allocated to an emergency client fund, indicate what will be allocated to Housing, Transportation, Food, Clothing, and Miscellaneous Crime-Related Emergency Assistance
- Any ineligible expenses included on the proposed budget will be removed and the total grant funds awarded reduced by those amounts
- A budget narrative, no more than five (5) pages in length, which describes each portion of the budget. The narrative should describe the following:
- Each position to be funded including the position type, applicable licensure for each staff member and how the activities of each staff member will be TRC related (All staff to be funded by the grant must perform TRC-related activities.)
- Operating expenses
- A detailed narrative for each subcontractor and a copy of the contract
- Other funding streams including the dollar amount and duration of those funds
- No more than seven (7) letters of support from sources serving the same community that may refer clients to, or work in conjunction with the TRC. This may include: medical and mental health care providers, law enforcement agencies, county crime victim assistance centers as designated by California Penal Code section 13835.2, sexual assault crisis centers, domestic violence programs, other crime victim service providers, and other social service agencies within the applicant’s designated service area.
- Letters of support should pertain specifically to this project
8. Available Funds
Upon appropriation by the Legislature, CalVCB may award grants totaling up to two million dollars ($2,000,000) per year from the Restitution Fund. Additionally, funds may be available through the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act. The number of grants awarded will be determined by a variety of factors, including the number of qualified applicants, the amount of funds requested, and the amount of funds available. Program expenses are reimbursed after they have been incurred and invoiced, on a monthly or quarterly basis as specified in the executed contract.
9. Eligible Costs
The cost of services provided with grant funds must not be charged to, or paid for by, any other reimbursement sources, including private insurance, federal, state, or local grants, or victim compensation funds. All expenses that require prior written authorization will be sent to for review, and a response with approval or denial of expenses will be returned within one week.
Direct Costs are costs that can be clearly attributed to specific services. Examples of direct costs include:
- Salary and benefits for personnel providing direct treatment:
- Activities such as mental health treatment, clinical supervision, social work, victim advocacy, peer support, and case management
- Administrative salaries related to the support of direct treatment
- Operating expenses related to direct services such as rent, insurance, utilities, postage, telephone service, internet, subcontractors, printed outreach materials, and IT equipment with prior CalVCB approval
- Operating expenses shall not exceed 25 percent of the total amount of funds requested
- Office space charged to the grant cannot exceed 125 square feet per full-time employee (The term “employee” includes documented volunteers. Office space for part-time employees must be prorated) The reimbursement rate cap will also apply to facility-based operating expenses such as telephone service, utilities, and maintenance)
- Facility rental costs per square foot must be based on actual rent paid, not to exceed $1.75 per square foot per month or $21 per square foot annually
- Insurance (e.g., vehicle, fire, bonding, theft, general liability, malpractice, and board liability)
- Payments toward insurance policies must be prorated based on the percentage of coverage required for TRC related staff and activities during the grant agreement period
- Emergency funds to meet the immediate needs of TRC clients with nominal crime-related costs such as transportation, childcare, food, emergency shelter, or clothing
- If an organization elects to budget for an emergency fund, it must be limited to one percent (1%) of the total grant award. Once an emergency fund is exhausted, additional funds cannot be reallocated to that budget line item. Individual emergency fund expenditures should not exceed $1,000 per client and expenditures exceeding $500 per client require prior written authorization from CalVCB.
- Costs associated with community outreach events and activities
- For in-state travel, as well as training and conferences for the provision of trauma-informed, evidence-based, and evidence-informed practices as outlined in the grant application, a written explanation providing details of the event and relevance to TRC activities must be submitted at least two weeks in advance via email to for review by the TRC Grant Manager Approval/denial of the expenses will be received within one week. (Travel will be paid according to the state policy in effect at the time the cost is incurred)
Indirect Costs are operating expenses that are not directly related to a service or outcome such as human resource expenses.
- Indirect cost allocations are available to grantees that already have an approved indirect cost rate agreement with the state or federal government.
- Allocations are limited to the lesser of the grantee’s approved indirect cost rate or five percent (5%) of the total grant award.
- A copy of the indirect cost allocation plan demonstrating how the indirect cost rate was established must be included with the application for funding.
- All costs included in the plan shall be supported by formal accounting records substantiating the propriety of such charges.
- Indirect cost allocations are not available to applicant organizations that do not have a pre-existing approved indirect cost rate agreement with the state or federal government.
10. Ineligible Costs
Ineligible costs include, but are not limited to:
- Expenses incurred before July 1, 2021
- Individual emergency fund expenses exceeding $500 per instance when prior authorization was not received or any amount in excess of $1,000 per client
- The purchase of commercial property
- All real estate taxes or other nonpayroll-related taxes
- Payments to impound accounts for taxes and insurance
- Depreciation charges
- Any losses, whether actual or estimated, resulting from uncollectible accounts receivable
- Any costs resulting from attempts to collect on delinquent accounts, prior to writing them off as uncollectible, including related legal and collection expenses
- In-state travel costs for TRC staff to attend conferences and trainings that are not approved in advance by CalVCB
- Remodeling, refurbishing or costs for tenant improvements made to real estate
- The purchase or lease of office furniture or office fixtures
- Bonuses and/or commissions to any individual or organization
- Costs for lobbying activities
- Costs of conducting fundraising activities
- Costs of food and beverages that are not related to overnight travel expenses and the costs of food and/or beverages at grant-sponsored conferences, meetings, or office functions
- Membership dues for the licensing or credentialing of clinical personnel
- Membership dues such as Amazon Prime, Costco, and Sam’s Club
- The cost of a professional license or annual dues or fees
- Costs or fees for continuing education required for licensure, unless training being offered is related to TRC services
- Finance charges, late payment fees, penalties, returned check charges, and convenience fees
- Banking service charges and fees
- Costs related to the preparation of future grant applications
- Retainer fees
- Services that have yet to be provided such as prepayment to subcontractors
- Purchases found to be in excess of a lower cost alternative (with no justification provided for the more costly request)
- Indirect costs, if the TRC does not have a pre-existing indirect cost rate agreement
- The cost of weapons and/or ammunition of any type
11. Reporting Requirements
In compliance with federal statutes and rules governing federal matching funds for victims’ services, each center shall submit any forms and data requested by the board to allow the board to receive the 60 percent federal matching funds for eligible victim services and allowable expenses. Government Code §13963.1(g)(2)
Grantees are required to participate in data collection activities using systems and tools designed and provided by CalVCB. Grantees submit data collection reports quarterly. Grantees must keep accurate records as source documentation to support the information in the reports.
The reports provide TRC staff and CalVCB with a formal process to track ongoing program activities and progress toward the achievement of grant deliverables and goals listed in the grant agreement.
Records must be retained by the grantee for three years from the end of the grant award period. During programmatic monitoring and site visits, CalVCB or its agents may review these records for accuracy and compare that data to the reports submitted by the grantee.
Data collected includes, but is not limited to:
- Demographic information
- Client resources
- Crime information
- Services provided and referred to the client
- Session and case management information
- Assessment data
- Training provided
- Community outreach activities
- Collaborative activities
Grantees will only record data in the collection tool provided for services and activities that are funded by the grant. Data submissions are due by the fifteenth (15th) calendar day following the end of each fiscal quarter.
The mental health assessments that will be required may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)
- World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF)
- Child Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale Self-Report (CPSS-SR)
- Traumatic Events Screening Inventory (TESI-PRF-R)
The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5), World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF), and Child Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale Self-Report (CPSS) shall be administered at intake and at least every eight sessions thereafter. The Traumatic Events Screening Inventory (TESI) need only be administered at intake.
Software Requirements:
- Microsoft Excel, 2010 version or newer
- Microsoft Access, 2010 version or newer
12. TRC Grant Oversight
CalVCB TRC grantees should anticipate, and shall comply with, the following:
- CalVCB staff will conduct a minimum of one site visit to each TRC per State fiscal year, and additional site visits may be scheduled if needed. Each TRC will receive written notice of the date and time of the scheduled visit, along with a written description of the scope and objectives of the visit.
- CalVCB reserves the right to review each TRC’s accounting system and any and all records maintained in the support of this grant.
- All contracts between TRCs and subcontractors must be reviewed and approved by CalVCB prior to reimbursement of an invoice requesting reimbursement of subcontractor fees.
Non-compliance with the terms set forth in an executed contract between CalVCB and a TRC shall result in a corrective action plan and/or cancellation of the agreement.
13. Grant Review and Award Process
Proposals determined to be nonresponsive to the scope of the solicitation, or that do not include all application elements, will not proceed to the scoring process or receive further consideration. Failure to submit an application that contains all elements specified in the Application Instructions (Section 7) of this NOFA, may negatively affect the application review.
It should be noted that following the template precisely is designed to result in a higher overall score on the Grant Application.
Complete applications will be scored according to the following 100 124-point scale:
- Program Narrative – Up to 70 points
- Supplemental Questions – Up to 24 points (8 points each)
- Performance Measures Estimate Chart, Flow Chart, Organizational Chart and Time Task Plan – Up to 5 points
- Budget – Up to 10 points
- Budget Narrative – Up to 10 points
- Letters of Support – Up to 5 points
To be considered for funding, the application must:
- Score a minimum of 93 points
- Demonstrate the ability to fulfill all statutory requirements set forth by Government Code sections 13963.1 and 13963.2
All applicants awarded funding will be required to enter into a standard Grant Agreement with CalVCB. If, for any reason, a grantee is unable to enter into a Grant Agreement with CalVCB by July 1, 2021, the term of the grant will be less than 24 months and the grant term will still end on June 30, 2023. Applicants awarded funding are not guaranteed continued funding and may reapply at the end of the 24-month grant award cycle.
Upon award of the grant, the grantee must provide completed copies of the documents listed below. Failure to supply these documents will result in a delay of release of funds or cancellation of the Grant Agreement.
- Payee Data Record: The Payee Data Record form STD. 204 is available on the DGS website.
- Contractor Certification Clauses
307 (CCC-307)04/2017 (CCC 04/2107): The CCS-30704/2017 is available on the DGS website under the Standard Contract Language Section.
14. General Terms and Conditions
All applications shall become the property of CalVCB. All submitted applications are public record, subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act.
CalVCB reserves the right to withdraw this NOFA at any time. Further, CalVCB makes no representation that any funding will be awarded to any applicant responding to this NOFA.
Acceptance of an application does not constitute a grant award and does not obligate CalVCB to award funds. CalVCB reserves the right to partially fund selected applications. An applicant may request a specific dollar amount; however, CalVCB will make the final determination of the dollar amounts awarded. Any portion of a grant that a TRC does not use within the specified grant period shall revert to the funding source.
Both parties reserve the right to terminate the Grant Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. CalVCB may reduce or terminate grant funds for reasons that may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- If the project fails to comply with any term or condition of the grant award
- If during the term of the grant award, the state funds appropriated for the purposes of the grant award are reduced or eliminated, or, in the event revenues are not collected at the level appropriated, CalVCB may immediately terminate or reduce the grant award.